The importance of the spoken voice

Our voice is a means of communication par excellence and we use it in our daily lives at both personal, social and professional
levels. In the different situations we face, our voice can arise in a more spontaneous or more measured way depending on the environment around us. It is in this adaptation to the different situations that our questions often arise, above all, how can I vocally adapt and express myself, without feeling blockages or inhibition? How can I put my voice better? How can I improve my spoken voice? The answer is simple... training and practice.
A monotonous, low-key speech in which you lack confidence and cannot capture the attention or captivate those listening to you will not be the best goal of your oratory, either for you or for those listening to you. But in a dynamic discourse in which there are pauses, inflections, dynamics of intensity, rhythmic and timid makes much more sense and is much more enriching and aesthetically pleasing.
In many situations, we feel the need to provide as much information as possible in a short space of time, where we easily lose the attention of those who are listening and to us speakers, not only is it extremely exhaustive and may lead to excessive vocal wear, but it is also complicated to emphasize anything. So let's think about quality instead of quantity. We start with our intention, what are the most important issues and in what order we would like them to be presented. Just in this little step, everything changes...
There's been a greater clarification and ordering of ideas that's going to help us a lot, not only in the preparation of what we're going to say, but we're training our brains with this kind of reasoning and believe that it's going to be reflected directly in their oratory.
In my view, there are three essential pillars in the vocal dynamics of the spoken voice:
The volume
The tone
The pace
The three interact directly, but they can and must be worked on in isolation so that they can sense the importance of each one and understand which one needs to pay more attention to. A good practice will be to read aloud and preferably for someone who listens, or else record and listen. Singing lessons can be a good complement to help streamline and streamline your spoken voice, develop and maintain your voice in good shape. Another interesting exercise will be to pay attention to the way people talk in the various situations throughout their day, such as: when you
listen to the radio, when you watch television, your friends, your co-workers, your boss, a commercial, the lady who sells fish or fruit on the market, etc. If you want, note and note the differences.
Until then, practice and listen,
I will soon return to this theme.
Vocally yours,
João Charepe